Boys Baby - Male Baby Names Starting with F - Baby Names with Meanings

Farrell = Valorous.
Fateh = Victory.
Fatik = Crystal.
Faulkner = Falconer.
Felipe = Lover of horses.
Felix = Fortunate.
Felton = From the estate in the fields.
Fenton = From the marshland estate.
Feodor,Fyodor = Gift of God.
Ferdinand = Advernturesome. Strong. Daring.
Fergus = Strong man.
Fernando = A form of Ferdinand.
Ferris = The rock.
Fidel = Faithful, Sincere.
Fielding = From the field.
Filbert = Brilliant one.
Filmore = Famous one.
Finlay = Fair hero. Fair-haired soilder.
Firdus = Paradise.
Firman = Traveler.
Firoze = Turquoise.
Fitzgerald = Son of Gerald.
Fitzhugh = Son of Hugh.
Fitzpatrick = Son of Patrick.
Fitzroy = Son of the king.
Fleming = Flemish.
Fletcher = Arror featherer
Flint = Stream.
Florian = Blooming.
Floyd = Grey-haired.
Flynn = Son of the red-haired man. Forbes = Prosperous.
Ford = River crossing.
Forrest = Forest. Forest dweller. Forrestor = Forest protector.
Fortune = Luck.
Foster = Forest. Forest dweller.
Fowler = Gamekeeper.
Frances = Free.
Francis = Frenchman. Free man.
Franco = Free.
Frank = Frenchman.
Franklin = Freeholder.
Franz = Frenchman.
Fraser = Surname.
Frazer = Curly-haired.
Fred = Peaceful ruler.
Frederick = Peaceful ruler.
Freeland = From the free land.
Freeman = Free man.
Freemont = Protector of freedom.
Fritz = Peaceful ruler.
Fulki = Spark.
Fuller = Cloth worker.
Fulton = From the farm town.
Fyyaz = Artistic


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