Girls Baby - Female Baby Names Starting with O - Baby Names with Meanings

Obinna = One after his father's heart.
Octavia = Eighth.
Ojaswini = Powerful.Bright.
Olena = Light.
Olivia = Dignity and beauty. Olive tree.
Olwen = Of the white track.
Omprabha = Radiance.Power of the
holy mantra `OM'.
Onarada = She's glad.
Oneeka = You brought joy into your father's house.
Oorvasi = An apsara.
Oormila = Name of Lakshman's wife.
Ooghavathi = River.
Oorja = Sage's wife.
Oorjaswathi = Daughter of king Priyaravat
Mother of Devayani.
Oormi = Wave.A term in music.
Oormika = Wave.Humming of a bee.
Oormila = Name of Lakshman's wife.
Oorna = A rishipatni.(Sage's wife).
Oorvasi = An apsara.
Oorvi = The Earth
Opal = Gem.
Oralia = Golden.
Oriella = Golden.
Otressa = Form of thresea. Intelligent.
Owen = Young warrior.


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