Qeturah | Incense. |
Qing | Greenish blue. |
Qiu | Autumn. |
Qubilah | Concord. |
Queena | Queen. |
Queena | Wife. |
Queenie | Queen. |
Queenie | Wife. |
Queeny | Variant of Queenie: Queen. |
Queeny | Wife. |
Quenby | Womanly. |
Quenby | Womanly. |
Querida | Beloved. |
Quibilah | Peaceful. |
Quickly | 'King Henry IV, Part 1 and 2' Mistress Quickly, hostess of the Boar's Head in Eastcheap. Later, in Henry V, she is Pistol's wife. 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' Mistress Quickly, servant to Doctor Caius. |
Quies | Tranquility. |
Quinby | Womanly. |
Quinevere | Arthur's queen. |
Quinta | Born fifth. |
Quintina | Born fifth. |