Girls Baby - Female Baby Names Starting with R - Baby Names with Meanings

Rhea = Flowing stream.
Rheanna = Graceful. Stream of grace mercy and prayers.
Rhiannon = Maiden.
Rhoda = Rose.
Rhonda = Fierce waters.
Ria = River.
Rianna = Hope.
Riah = River.
Riham = Steady rain.
Riley = Courageous and valiant.
Rima = Love.
Rinki = Regal one.
Risa = Sunshine. Laughter. Happiness.
Rita = Honest.
Ritika = Flowing Stream.
Ritu = Season.
Ritu Pande = Season of learnedness.
Riya = Singer.
Robin = Famous.
Rochelle = Large Stone. Alternate form of Rachel.
Rohini = Name of a star.
Rodasi = Skies.
Roma = Having lustrous hair.
Roopa = Shape.Form.Figure.Beauty.Mark.
Roopali = Pretty.Made of silver.
Roopini = One with beautiful appearance.
Rori = Famous ruler.
Rosa = Rose.
Rosalie = Fair Rose.
Rosalinda = Beautiful Rose.
Rosio = Drops of dew.
Rosita = Little Rose.
Rosetta = A Rose.
Rouha = Soul. Spirit.
Roxane = Sunrise. Dawn. First light of the day.
Ruby = Precious stone.
Rudy = Famous Wolf.
Rukma = Gold.
Rukmini = Lord Krishna's wife.
Rumaisa = White as milk.
Rumana = Pomegranate. Heavenly fruit.
Rumnita = Beautiful.
Rupal = Beautiful.Handsome.
Rupangi = One with beautiful body. Rupa = Beautiful.
Rupasi = Beautiful.
Rupasri = Divinely Beautiful.
Ruth = Angelic Form.
Ryaan = Little Ruler.


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