Boys Baby - Male Baby Names Starting with E - Baby Names with Meanings

Eamon = Rich protector. Prosperous protector.
Earl = Nobleman.
Earon = From the river town.
Eash = Shiva.
Eashan = Shiva.
Eashana = One of the five faces of Shiva.Name of a heaven.
Eashwar = Shiva.
Eben = Stone.
Ebenzer = Stone of help. Eberhard,Eberhart = Strong as a boar.
Ebhanan = Elephant faced.Ganapati. Ecchit = Desired.
Ecchvaku = A king.
Edan = Fiery.
Eddie = A familiar form of Edgar.
Eden = Paradise. Delight. Gentle.
Edeñi (ee DEN yii) = Fire. Fiery one. Flame. Ardent.
Edgar = Successful Spearman. Fortunate spearman.
Edison = Edward's son.
Edmond = Prosperous Protector.
Edmund = Rich protector. Prosperous protector.
Edric = Prosperous ruler.
Edsel = Of the rich man's estate.
Edward = Prosperous guardian.
Edwin = Rich friend.
Efron = Bird.
Egan = Ardent.
Egbert = Shining sword.
Egerton = From the hilltop town.
Einar = Chief.
  Ekalavya =Dronacharya's disciple who gave his thumb as Gurudakshina (fees).Competitor for Arjuna. Good Archer.
Ekamaranth = Diety of Shiva at kanchi. Ekamber = Shiva.
Ekath = Sage.
Ekaveer = A king.
Ekendra = Shiva.
Ekoram = One of the five acharyas. Ekshudhanva = Good bowman.
Elayaraj = King of the Earth.Emperor. Elbert = Noble and Brilliant. Bright. Elden = From the elf valley.
Eldridge = Wise ruler.
Eleazar = Whom God hath helped. .

Elesh = King.
Elgan = Bright circle.
Eli = The highest.
Elias = Jehovah is my God.
Elihu = Jehovah is my God.
Elijah = Jehovah is my God.
Elisabet = My God is bountiful. God of plenty.
Elisha = The Lord is my salvation. Eliza = My God is bountiful. God of plenty.
Elizabeth Elizabel = My God is bountiful. God of plenty.
Elizabeth Elizabet = My God is bountiful. God of plenty.
Elizabeth Elizabeth = My God is bountiful. God of plenty.
Elizabetta = My God is bountiful.
God of plenty.
Elizabeth Elkan = Belonging to God. Ellard = Noble.Brave.
Ellery = From the alder tree island.


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