Boys Baby - Male Baby Names Starting with B - Baby Names with Meanings

Balaji = Strong. Lord Venkateshwara.
Balamohan = Krishna.
Balamurali Krishna = Young Krishna holding flute.
Baland = Supreme.Excellent. Balaraj = Powerful.
Balaram = Sri Krishna's elder brother. 8th of the Dasavatharas = 1. Matysa, 2.Kurma, 3. Varaha, 4.Narasimha, 5. Vamana, 6. Parasurama, 7. Rama, 8. Balarama, 9. Krishna & 10. Kalki.
Balaravi = Rising Sun.
Balark = Rising Sun.
Balasunder = Handsome boy.Krishna.
Balavant = Hanuman. Anjaneya. Strong man. Mighty person. Balawant = Powerful.
Balbir = Strong. Valiant Hero.
Balchandra = Young Moon
Baldev = Another name of Balram.
Baldwin = Bold friend.
Balendra = King among children.Krishna.
Balfour = From the pastures.
Balgopal = Baby Krishna.
Bali = Son of Virochana.
Balindra = Kind Bali. Prahlad's grandson.
Baljeet = Mighty Victorious.
Ballard = Bold. Strong.
Balthasar = One of the 3 wise men who brought gifts to the Christ child.
Balvinder = Strong.
Balvindra = Strong.
Balwin = Bold Protector
Banbihari = Lord Krishna.
Bancroft = Of the bean field.
Bandhu = Friend.
Bandhul = Pleasing.
Bankebihari = Lord Krishna.
Bankim = Curved.
Bankimchandra = Crescent moon.

Banner = Flag.
Bansi = Flute
Bansidhar = One who holds the flute. Bansilal = Lord Krishna.
Bansuri = Flute. Banvari = Krishna. Barak = Flash of lightning.
Baram = Son of the nation.
Baran = The ram. Forceful. Virile. Barclay = The brich tree meadow.
Bard = Minstrel. Singer. Poet.
Barda = Fearless Warrior.
Baridbaran = Colour of the cloud. Barindra = The ocean.
Barlow = Dweller on the boars hill. Barnabas = Son of comfort. Son of prophecy.
Barnaby = Son of comfort. Son of prophecy.
Barnard = Bernard . Brave Bear. Strong bear
Barnett = Of honourable birth.
Barnet = Bernard . Brave Bear. Strong bear
Barney = Short form of Barnabas and Barnaby.
Baron = Son of Aaron. Noble warrior. Barrett = Variant of Barnett. Mighty as a bear.
Barric = Grain farm.
Barry = Spear. Javelin. White-haired. Fair-haired.
Bart = Name of the place Barley was grown.
Bartholomew = The son of Tolmai, the farmer. One of the 12 apostles, known as the patron saint of Tanners and vintners.
Bartlett = The son of Tolmai, the farmer. One of the 12 apostles, known as the patron saint of Tanners and vintners.
Barton = Name of the place Barley was grown.
Bartram = Glorious raven. The Norse god of war.
Baruch = Blessed.
Barun = The diety of water. Varun.
Barzillai = Made of iron.
Basant = Vasant,Spring season.
Basanta = Spring.
Basav = Founder of shaiva philosophy.
Basavesh = Founder of shaiva philosophy. Basaveshwara = Founder of shaiva philosophy. Bashir = Harbinger of good things.
Bashishta = A sage.
Basil = Royal. Kingly. The great.
Batuk = A Brahmin youth.
Bauer = Farmer.
Baxter = Baker.
Bayard = Auburn-haired. Red-haired.
Beale = Handsome.
Beaman = Bee keeper.
Beau = Handsome.
Beaufort = From the fine fortress.

Beaumont = Of the beautiful mountain. Beauregard = Of beautiful expression. Becker = Baker.
Behnaum = Famous.
Bellamy = Fair friend.
Ben = Benjamin. Son
Ben-ami = Son of my people.
Benedict = Blessed.
Beniyaz = Fire.
Benjamin = Son of my right hand. Son of the right hand.
Benjiro = Enjoy peace.
Bennet = Benedict.Blessed.
Benson = Son of Benjamin.
Bentley = Grassy meadow.
Benton = Settlement in a grassy place. Of the moors.
Benzion = Son of Zion.
Berger = Shepherd.
Berkley = The birch tree meadow. Berlyn = Son of Berl.
Bern = Bear


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