Kavi = A poet. Kavindra = A poet. Kaviraj = A poet. Kavyanand = Poetic enjoyment. Kayle = Mighty Warrior. Keane = Sharp. Handsome. Keaton = Place of hawks. Kedar = A pilgrim centre in the Himalayas (Kedarnath). Kedaar = A pilgrim centre in the Himalayas (Kedarnath). Kedarnath = Diety worshipped at Badari. Keefe = Handsome. Lovable. Keegan = Ardent little one. Keenan = Little old one. Keerthibhooshan = Person whose adornment is fame. Keerthimanth = Dhruva's brother. Keerthinath = Famous person. Keerthivanth = Famous man. Keerti = Glory. Fame. Keevin = Pain taker. Keir = Dark-skinned. Keith = Of the forest. Kelby = From the farm by the springs. Kelly = Lively. Aggressive. Warrior. Brave. Kelsey = Dweller by the water. Kendall = From the valley of Kent. Ruler of the valley. Kendra = Wisdom. Kendrick = Henry's son. Kenley = From the royal meadow. Kennedy = Helmeted. Kenneth = Good looking. Fair. Handsome. Sprung from fire. Kent = Bright. White. Kenny = A form of kenneth. | Kenway = Bold in battle. Kenyatta = Knowledge of the son. Kenyi = First male child born after 3+ female siblings. Kenyon = Fair-haired. Kerak = Ancient hindu warrior. Kermit = Free man. Kerry = Dark Haired. Dusky. Dark. Patient person. Kind. Wonderful. Kesar = Lion. Kesari = Name of a spice. Ketan = Banner. Flag. Emblem. Symbol. Keval = Absolute. Pure. Kevalnath = Vishnu. Kevin = Handsome child. Kevlar = one who is born from the flames into greatness, a living god. Keyur = Armlet. Khadyothan = The Sun. Khalid = Immortal. Eternal. Khavand = Master. Khechar = A class of celestial beings. Angles. Gandharvas. Khudiram = Ramakrishna paramahamsa's father. Khushnaz = Happy Face. Joyful. Glad. Khuswant = Happy. Khyath = Famous. Khyati = Fame. Ki = Arisen. Kiara = Dusky. Dark-hair. Kieran = Little dark one. Killian = Warrior. Kim = Chief. Kimball = Royally brave. |