Boys Baby - Male Baby Names Starting with L - Baby Names with Meanings

Laalit = Loved.Pampered.
Lakshan = Good look.Special quality. Lakshman = Brother of Sri Rama. Son of Sumitra.
Laban = White.
Laina = Ray of sun.
Laird = Proprietor.
Lakshmeesh = Goddess Lakshmi's Lord.Vishnu.
Lakshmikant = Consort of Goddess Lakshmi. Vishnu.
Lakshminarayan = Goddess Lakshmi's Lord. Vishnu.
Lakshmiraman = Goddess Lakshmi's Lord. Vishnu.
Lakshya = Motive.
Lalam = Best among its kind.Crow-like.
Lalataksha = One having an eye on his brow.Shiva.Eashwar.
Lalit = Simple. Beautiful.
Lalitamohan = Simple and Handsom person.
Lamar = Close to the sea.
Lambodar = Vinayaka, Ganesh.
Lamar = The sea.
Lambert = Bright land.
Lamont = Lawyer.
Lance = Helper.
Landen = Landowner.
Landis = From the grassy plain.
Lando = Landowner.
Landon = Landowner.
Landyn = Landowner.
Lane = From the lane.
Lang = Tall one.
Langdon = From the long hill.
Langley = From the long meadow.
Lara = Protection. Renowned.
Larry = Crowned with laurel.
Larry = Short form of Lawrence and Laurence
Lars = Crowned with laurel. Victory.
Latif = Elegant.
Latifah = Refined.
Laron = Thief.
Larson = Lars' son.
Lateef = The subtle one.
Latham = Dweller by the barns.
Lathrop = From the low village.
Latimer = Interpreter.
Lauren = Crowned with laurel. Variant form of Lawrence.
Laurence = Crowned with laurel.
Lav = Name of Lord Sri Ram's elder son (Kush = younger son).
Lavi = Lion.
Lavraj = Rama's son.
Lawford = From the ford on the hill. Lawrence = Crowned with laurel.
Lawson = Son of Lawrence.
Lawton = From the hill town or hill estate.
Lazar = Whom god hath helped. Lazarus = Whom god hath helped. Leander = Lion - man.
Lee = Poet. From the meadow.
Leif = Beloved.
Leigh = From the meadow.
Leighton = From the meadow estate. Leith = Wide river.
Lekhak = An author.
Lekhan = Writing.Article.
Leland = Meadowland.
Lemuel = Consecrated to god.
Lennard = A lion's heart.


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