Janak = Father of Sita. Janakinandan = Son of Janaki. Janakiram = Ram with Janaki (Sita). Janamejaya = Pareekshit's son. Janardhan = Vishnu. Janette = Gracious God. Jangam = Moving God.Ascetic. Janis = A form of John. Janine = Variant of John. Gift from God. Jansen = Son of John. Jared = Descending. Name of a pre-flood ancestor of Jesus. Jarred = He Descends. Jarrell = A good Leader. Jaroslav = Glory of spring. Jarvis = Spear-sharp. Jasbir = Famous victorious hero. Jascha = Supplanter. Jashan = Celebration. Jason = A healing.Name of an early Christian associate of Paul. Jasper = Treasure. Jataved = Agni. Jatayu = A bird who fought with ravana when he was carrying away sita and died. Jatin = Sage, Muni. Javier = Onwer of newly constructed house. Jawahar = Jewel. Jay = From the birds called jays. Jayadeep = Lamp of Victory. Jayden = God has heard. Jaydev = One who always win. Jay Jasvant = Victorious famous. Jaya Prakash = Glowing/Shining with victory. Jayachamarajendra = Name of the last King of Mysore. JayaChandra = One who won over moon. Another name of Lord Shiva. | Jayadbal = Sahadev's name during hiding period. Jayadev = Name of a famous poet who composed 'Git Govind'. Jayadhar = Victorious. Jayagopal = Victorous Krishna. Jayakumar = Victorious. Jayan = Victory. Jayanand = Happy in his victory. Jayant = Indra's son. Jayaprakash = Glowing/Shining with victory. Jayaraj = Victorious King. Jayaram = Victorious Ram. Jayasena = A king of Avanthi, Brother-in-law of Vasudev. Jayashankar = Victorious Shiva. Jayasimha = Name of a king. Victorious Lion. Jayatheertha = Holy victory. Jayatsena = Nakula's name during hiding period. Jayavardhan = Extending the Victory. Jayawardhan = Who increases victory. Jayendra = Victorious. Jayesh = Bhima's name during hiding period. Jayson = A contemporary of Jason. Jean = His favor. Jeb = Friend of God. Jed = Hand. Jedidiah = Beloved of the Lord. Jeemoot = Cloud. Jeemootavahan = Indra, A Naga(Serpent). Jeevak = Jain Ascetic. Jeevan = Life. Jeevatma = The Soul. Jeevotham = Best living being,The God. Jefferson = Jeffery's son. Jeffrey = Divinely peaceful. Jeirk = Strong. Helpful. Caring & Manly. |