Girls Baby - Female Baby Names Starting with A - Baby Names with Meanings

Alaina = Attractive. Peaceful.
Alaka = Lock of curly hair.Without dirt.
Alakananda = Name of a river.
Alambusa = An Apsara.
Alameda = Populartree.
Alamelu = Goddess Lakshmi.Lord
Venkateswara's wife.
Alana = Light & buoyant.An offering.Dear child.
Alanna = Attractive. Peaceful.
Alanda = Variant of Alexandra. Defender
of mankind. Helper.
Alankara = Decoration.
Alarice = Feminine of Alaric.
Alba = Highlands.
Alberta = Feminine of Albert.
Albina = Highlands.
Alby = Highlands.
Alcina = Strong-Willed.Persuasive.
Alda = Rich.
Aldora = Winged gift.
Alekhya = Painting. Picture.
Alena = LIght
Aletea = Truth.
Alexandra = Defender of mankind. helper.
Alexis = Helper.Defender.
Alfreda = Feminine of Alfred.
Alice = Noble.Truthfulone.
Alicia = Truthful.
Alida = Greek city in Asia minor.
Alin = Sister of Night.
Aliptha = Neutral.Unbiased.
Alisha = Impressive. Impossive. Grand. Stately.
Alissa = Truthful.
Alison = Truthful one.
Aliptha = Neutral.Unbiased.
Aliya = To group.
Aliza = Joyous.
Alka = Girl with long beautiful hair. Noble&Brilliant
Allegra = Cheerful.
Alleron = Eagles soaring.
Allina = A form of helen.
Allison = Truthfulone. Noble. sacred fame.Diminutive form of Alice.
Alma = The Soul. With dard red lips. Soul. Spirit.
Allina = A form of Helen.

Almas = Diamond. Dagger.
Almira = Exalted. Princess.
Alocia = Ocean of forgiveness.
Aloka = Cry of victory.Praise.Luster. Alona = Feminine of Alon.
Aloysia = Feminine of Aloysius.
Alpana = Decoration.
Alpha = The first letter of the Greek alphabet. The first (child).
Altthea = Truthful. Sincere. Wholesome.Healing.
Alva = Fair. Blonde.
Alvina = Feminine of Alvin.
Alwany = Lighting in A miquisto dialect in Nicaragua
Alysha = Princess of pink.
Alysia = Truthful.
Alyssa = From the flower Alyssum.
Alysse = Truthful.
Amabel = lovable.
Amadi = Rejoice. Sun god.
Amadea = Feminine of Amadeo.
Amala = Pure.Hope.
Amalendu = Full moon
Amanda = Beloved. Precious thing. worth loving. Lovable.
Amani = To wish for. Greatful.
Amara = Imperishable. Eternal beauty.
Amarangane(amarangani) = A nymph.  Angel.  Apsara.
Amaraprabha = Eternal shine.
Amaravathi = Name of Indra's kingdom.
Amari = A Nymph.Angel.Apsara.
Amaris = God hath promised.
Amarnath = From the flower Amaranth.
Amaryllis = From the flower Amaryllisbelladonna.
Amaya = The end.
Amba = Mother. Parvathi. Princess of Kasi who refused to marry Vichitravirya and vowed to kill Bhishma.
Ambalika = Mother of Panduraj.
Amber = Precious stone. of the colours. From the jewel Amber.
Ambika = Parvathi. Kasi princess who married Vichitravirya. Mother of Dhritarashtra. Godess Durga.
Ambrosine = Feminine of Ambrose.
Ambruni = An Apsara's name.
Ambu = Arrow. Water.
Ambudha = Cloud.
Ambudhi = Sea.

Ambuja = Lotus.
Ambujakshi = One with Lotus like eyes.Lakshmi.
Amee = My friend.
Amelia = Industrious.Striving.Princess.
Amena = Honest.
Amie = Beloved. Loved.
Aminta = Protector.
Amira = Beautiful Princess.
Amirtha = Elixir of life. Another name of godess saraswathi
Amita = Truth.Limitless.
Amity = Friendship.
Ammanni = Goddess.
Amoda = Happiness.
Amodini = Happy girl.
Amorata = Beloved.
Amrakali = Mango bud.
Amramanjari = Bunch of mango flowers.
Amrapallavi = Tender leaves of mango.
Amrita = Deathless.
Amrita Varshini = Showers Amrit.
Amritha = Deathless.
Amrutha = Nectar.
Amruthakiran = Cool rays.Moon light.
Amruthamayi = Full of sweetness.
Amruthavarshini = One of the raagas.(Classical melody).
Amshu = A ray of light.
Amshula = Sunny.
Amshumala = A nymph.Angel.Apsara.
Amshumathi = Person with bright intellect.River Yamuna.
Amtheshwari = Eternal God.
Amulya = Priceless.
Amy = Loved.Beloved.
Ana = Grace. Favor.


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