Bobbie = Nickname of Roberta and Barabara. Bonita = Little good one. Pretty. Bonnie = Charming. Good. Pretty. Brandy = Name of a beverage. Sword. Liquor. Branwen = White Raven. Breanna = Brianna. Breck = Freckled. Bree = Pill. Breena = Fairy palace.Raven Maiden. Brenda = Princess. Fiery. Brenna = Variant of Brenda (Princess). Raven. Brett = Brit. Bretta = Feminie of Bret. Briana = Feminine of Brian. Brianna = She ascends. Briar = a wild rose with prickly thorns. Bridget = Saint. Strong. An Irish Goddess. Strength. Briean = Strength. Brina = Short form of Sabrina (Goddess). Brinda = Tulasi. Brinthadevi = Queen of garden. Brionna = Variant of Brianna. Briony = Name of a flowering vine used in folk medicine. | Brisa = The Greek name of the woman loved by Achilles. Brit = Spotted. Freckled. Britannia = From Britain. Britt = Strength. Brittany = From England. Brittney = From England. Brittania = A poetic name for the Great Britain. Roman name of Great Britain.19th Century Literary sisters, Anne, Charlotte and Emily Bronte Bontee = Name derived from the 19thCentury Literary sisters, Anne, Charlotte and Emily Bronte Bronte = Name derived from the Bronwyn = White-breasted. Brooke = Dwellar by the brook. Water. Stream. Feminine of Brook. Brunella = Brown-haired. Brunhilda = Hereoine. Bryce = Name of a saint. Bryn = Hill. Bryna = Feminine of Brian (hill place). Buena = Good. Byzanta = From the ancient city of Byzantium |